Maaco Bowl – The Tailgate traveled east to the city that is known for its sins, pleasures and excesses for the Las Vegas Maaco Bowl. This would be the final time that the much heralded senior class of the Boise State Broncos would suit up in the blue. This senior class was responsible for an NCAA record 50 wins over 4 years under the leadership of one of the greatest college QB’s to ever play the game, Kellen Moore. The morons that hold hostage the D1A post season charade relegated this great team to a sub- par bowl against an undisciplined, unmotivated Arizona State team where the inmates are running the asylum. Yes, I hear you doubters now, that Boise doesn’t play in a power conference and things would be different if they did. Perhaps, but every opportunity in the last 5 years they have had against said schools they have taken care of business. This group of seniors has gone 50 -3 over the last 4 years with the 3 losses by a grand total of 5 points. 2 lousy kicks cost this team a shot at a BCS game last year and a possible National Championship shot this year. I won’t be play the role of the blinded BSU apologist since I have only been on their bandwagon since I became a shareholder in the Bronco Nation, but I am calling out an injustice to one of the most entertaining teams we may have ever seen in CFB. The Sugar Bowl this year, are you kidding me!
Now on with the good stuff regarding the mobile Tailgate; I was hosted for 2 days at the home of fellow blogger and colleague “Tony From The Yard” Seber and his soon to be fiancée Joanne. (No pressure bro). In what became the second time the movie You Me and Dupree makes the blog, I played the role of Dupree and was clearly the king of their castle for 2 days. I Even taught the neighborhood kids how to play street hockey. Tony showed his true “Tonyness” by breaking out his man card and teaching me the proper way to wage bets on a football game in Vegas and tailgate sin city style. Tony if you are looking for a Best man you know I have that covered for you. We were joined by several of Tony’s underworld cronies, Richard, Bob and Stasha from Poland who was impressed that I spoke a few choice Russian words (Dasvidanya comrade!) Tailgate Tony grilled up brats, Italian sausages and mammas hamburgers. All meat paired quite nicely with a fine vintage cache of Stella Artois. The tailgate lot outside of Sam Boyd stadium was massive and incredibly easy to get in and out of. I even met the Elvis Twins (See pic).
Coach Pete was heard saying “Clear Eyes, Full Heart….Can’t lose!!” in his pre game speech. And the mighty Blue responded to those words of wisdom with a vengeance. The game was a typical Boise beat down led by a stifling run defense and the arm of Kellen Moore and the legs of Doug Martin. One of the most entertaining parts of the evening was an unnamed person from our crew who did a Whoopie Goldberg and “lets some frogs fly” machine gun style only to be called out by the woman sitting directly behind him with a shrill “YOU FARTED”. The entire section rose and applauded the perp as he gladly acknowledged ownership with a Cheshire cat grin like a proud new father. The Boise faithful were entertained throughout the game with big plays and class sportsmanship by the Blue. Final score BSU – 56 – ASU 24. ASU’s chief moron Vontaze Burfict had his typical game of doing nothing but accumulating a few unsportsmanlike conduct awards. By the way I won a Benjamin on the game so drinks are on me!
This is perhaps the final live tailgate of the year unless I join the San Jose gang for the San Francisco Bowl on New Years Eve. Stay tuned….
Gripe of the week – Coach Poach – each year as soon as the final regular season game is over the coaching carousel begins with a frenzy. In recent years several high profile coaches Rich Rod and Brian Kelly abandoned teams that were headed for BCS bowl games and big payouts. This year coaches such as Kevin Sumlin and Larry Fedora who led teams out of the ashes to record season have left their teams. And lets not overlook Todd “One and Done” Graham leaving yet another program for yet another dream job. Good, I hope you like it at Asylum State U. Todd the Wad! The problem is all these schools feel they will miss out on the recruiting bonanza if they wait. This leaves players feeling like they aren’t good enough, their schools jilted and the fans betrayed. The Tailgate, as you know is not a fan of many regulations, but in this case, would actually applaud a policy that put a moratorium on all coaching changes and recruiting from December 1st until after the BCS championship game. Violators will get their tattoos taken away from them. This would bring some normalcy to this post season phenomena know as “Coach Poach”.
In other news around the country; Craig James running for Senate has me running away from my Republican affiliation! The only benefit of him running is that we won’t be seeing his pompous smirk on ESPN for awhile. In the Bowls so far, there have been two nail biters with Ohio nipping Wyoming and Louisiana Lafayette edging out over San Diego State. The other 4 games were not as close and just as meaningless since none were a playoff!!!!
This week’s blog is dedicated to Amy’s “Grandmother” who passed away yesterday.
Happy Tailgating and merry Christmas!